Ideal for: Cleaning new or freshly transferred dye from the surface of pigmented (painted/coated) leathers. May be suitable for use on other types of leather. Test first.
Use with: A suitable leather cleaner, conditioner and protector.
Application schedule: Use when stains occur.
Application method: Apply by spray, gently agitate into the grain using a scrubbing brush then wipe. Repeat as needed.
Best accessories: A white microfibre cloth and scrubbing brush
Instructions: On the labels, Directions for Use tab, Tips and under the How To tab in main menu
Drying time: 30 mins or less.
Time before use: Wait until the leather feels dry; typically a few minutes. The amount of cleaning product used impacts drying time
Available in kits: No
Prompt cleaning produces best results. If the stain has set in, it may be permanent and therefore, unremovable.
Use a white microfibre cloth so that you can see any removed dye residue
Leather protector, Protect (No.3) can help minimise transferred dye tinge
Never rub vigorously as this action can remove coatings (no matter what product (even water) you are using)
Note: leather finishes vary; some are more porous and absorbent than others. If the transferred dye has penetrated into the leather coatings, recolouring with leather paint (see Repair & Recolour Kit) can be helpful. In some instances, the dye may resurface or stain the new coatings in time. Where coatings are less porous and absorbent, prompt treatment with Dye Remover (No.15) can completely remove the unwanted dye
Test before use: Always test products in an inconspicuous area first. There are many makers of leather and leather coatings and whilst most are to standard, there may be some that are not. Do not use if coatings disturbance occurs. If you intend to recolour the leather, continue with use.
Storage: Lid on tight and away from direct UV light and heat (in a cool dark cupboard).